Exercise & Eating
It is hard to keep up an exercise routine when you are tired ALL THE TIME! When I get in the car after a long day at work, I envision flopping down in bed for a nap. And some days, after an hour’s commute from work to home, that’s exactly what I do. But I try to get outside for a walk 3-4 times per week, usually 1.5 to 2 miles–just far enough to get my heart pumping.
For Christmas, from her grandma in NH, Cali got a new leash that has a light on it so that you can see what is in front of you (other than a basenji booty). It has a second light that shines down directly onto the ground and a third light that is red and blinking in the back of the leash. I use this to walk Cali at night so that we are both visible to other walkers and dogs, as well as cars passing by. She also wears a red-blinking heart around her neck on these nightly walks—I’m sure from a distance we are a sight to see!
I am afraid of gaining too much weight during my pregnancy and not being able to lose the weight after the baby is born. I know that being pregnant is a beautiful thing and (as one of my friends said) the bigger you are, the healthier the baby will be. But this fear has kept me moving, walking whenever I have the energy and working out with my Wii Cheer 2 video game. While I am sure the walking is more beneficial than the Wii Cheer-ing, the video game has kept my interest in staying active. Hey, it can’t hurt, right?
Besides avoiding caffeine, sushi and whatever else is on my doctor’s list of food no-no’s, I don’t watch what I eat at all. If there are brownies in the kitchen at work, I eat them. If I am at a restaurant for lunch or dinner, I have dessert. I try to fit in some fruits and vegetables whenever possible, but I don’t make myself crazy over it. I eat when I am hungry and drink lots of water.
At this point, I am nearing my fifth month of pregnancy and all of the baby weight is in my tummy at the front of my body. It is like I am carrying basketball–I love it! My goal is to keep working out in an effort to avoid gaining excess fat on my hips and thighs. Though I wouldn’t mind if my butt got a little bigger. It’s always been so flat and blah.
The flat bum has to be the Tasker thing… there isn’t an actual bum in the house, except mine!
HA HA HA!!! Thanks for the Monday morning giggle! 🙂 XOXOX