Elvis Aaron Presley

Today is Elvis Presley’s birthday. He was born January 8th in 1935 and if he was alive today, he would only be 74 years old.




Every time I think that I’m getting older and gradually going to the grave, something else happens.     -Elvis Presley


Some of you may already know that I am a huge Elvis fan. This is a picture of my bedroom from my home in New Hampshire. Most of my Elvis memorabilia is packed up waiting to be shipped to California to decorate my current home (I know my husband can’t wait for that). But there are a few things I have left up on the walls so that when I fly back home to visit, it is a nice reminder of my childhood.




I still love watching documentaries about Elvis, seeing pictures in books based on him, and listening to his music. He was an incredible musician, singer and performer, which is what I love about him.

My cousin, Marcie, got me an Elvis Presley cook book for Christmas and I am anxious to crack it open and try some of the recipes that were Elvis’ favorite dishes.

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