Dogs & T-Shirts

I never had a dog that I could put clothes on, but when I see other people dressing their dogs, I think it is the cutest thing! My mother-in-law has a small dog named Lola that has a wide variety of T-shirts and whenever I am at her house, 9 times out of 10, Lola is wearing one of those shirts.

About a year ago, Lola had gotten a USC Trojans T-shirt that was too big for her, so it was given to Cali. I was anxious to put it on her, but she seemed not too thrilled about wearing clothing. She refused to bend her front legs while walking in the shirt, despite the sleeves being short enough to not restrict her movements at all. I took the shirt off and put it away.

Well, last night was a fairly chilly night and we were turning on the fire to try and warm up the living room while I made dinner and Ryan played Wii tennis. I was in and out of the cupboards getting supplies for the meal I was about to make when I stumbled across the black T-shirt with cardinal & gold lettering. In addition to saying ‘USC Trojans’ it also has a puppy paw print. I just HAD to put it on her. Now, Cali is very good at letting herself be poked and prodded. Going to the vet, getting her nails clipped, getting a bath and even putting on a T-shirt is not an ordeal, she just sits there and lets you do it. The T-shirt fit perfectly and she wore it the rest of the night. Once she curled up on the couch by the fire in the hand-knit blanket we have come to call The Grammy Blanket, I knew that she was now a clothes dog.

I thought Ryan would try to take it off immediately, but he insisted she wear it to keep her warm. And as we went to bed later that night, she fell asleep in between us, her paws and back touching both of us, while wearing her T-shirt. I thought I should take it off to make her more comfortable, but Ryan was adamant about her wearing it to bed, saying that she needed the extra layer to stay warm. 

This morning when I woke up touching her soft fur I noticed she was no longer wearing her T-shirt. I did some searching and found it underneath her in a ball. 

I do not know how in the world she got it off.

This entry was posted on Monday, January 12th, 2009 at 7:00 am and is filed under Cali. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “Dogs & T-Shirts”

  1. Aunt Lisa says:

    Our dog Abby, now in Heaven, was a BIG dog…too many table scraps. I asked my husband to stop feeding her from the table, but that is one of my requests he ignored. If Abby had been a small dog, I, too, would’ve wanted to dress her up. I now have my cat, Heidi-Keke. Perhaps I will begin to dress her up. She is a loving cat and is used to us now. If I put some clothes on her, perhaps she won’t mind. If I keep putting clothes on her, perhaps she’ll think that’s just how cats are treated. I’m sure Brianna would like to help.

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