Pat My Back

When we tell Aidan to give us a hug, he does. He then follows the hug with a back pat.


If you want to feel loved, just ask Aidan for a hug, that will surely do the trick.

I trade favors with him for a “please” or a kiss or a high five. He goes along with this pretty well, I wonder how long that will last?!

Last night he wanted me to turn on the iPad for him, which has changed from mine to his in a matter of seconds once he realized how much fun it was. It has so many apps and YouTube (of course) so it is the perfect toy to bring to a restaurant to buy us time to eat while he reads a book or plays a game. Last night, as I changed from my work clothes into comfy clothes, he climbed up to our bed, sat up straight and pointed to the iPad and said “pad!” I look at him and he says “pease” – as if he already knew I was going to ask him to say it! So I give it to him and as we watch the glowing apple, waiting for it to start up, I ask him for a kiss and he lunges towards me and plants a wet one on my lips.


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