Archive for the Aidan Category
Can’t Nap While Baby Naps
Dec 31st, 2011 Posted in Aidan | no comment »Maybe this doesn’t apply to me since my son is 6 months old, but I could never abide by this rule 100% even when he was 6 weeks old. Let’s face it mom’s, when you get home from the hospital with a brand new baby, sure you’re tired. But your house is also filthy because your husband didn’t lift a single finger or dust bunny while you were resting in the hospital. I really only napped when my mom or mother-in-law made me; and I will agree that napping while your baby naps is the smartest thing to do. I would never have had any energy whatsoever in those first few days if I didn’t. But after the first month of maternity leave after giving birth to Aidan, I would count down the minutes to him falling asleep in my arms so I could rest him in the swing, pack n’ play or crib while I quietly cleaned the house or did a load of laundry.
These days, I leave the house every morning at 7:00am to be to work by 8:30am. If I get out of work on time (6:00pm) then I arrive back at home around 7:00pm. However, I have been working late the past few weeks so I am not getting home until 7:30pm or 7:45pm. Since Aidan starts his nighttime routine with his dinner @ 7:30pm, I rarely have time to play with the little guy before we are busily readying him for dinner-bath-bottle-bed.
I had the past week off from work between Christmas and New Year’s so my days have been spent primarily with the A-man (when not at the hair salon or massage haven). When Aidan has been going down for his late morning nap, I have been rushing to clean the house, do laundry, paint my nails, watch tivo–anything at all but sleep. And I am pretty honest when talking to my pregnant friends when I tell them that while everyone says you SHOULD nap while your baby naps, it will be hard to actually abide by that rule. Just because you SHOULD doesn’t mean you WILL.
Even now while Aidan snoozes, I was speedily tip-toe-ing around the house to get the laundry put away and the house picked up so that I could watch a movie on TV while eating a giant candy bar my wonderful husband bought me. Then I painted my toe-nails while sitting outside on my balcony, watching the sunset. And now I am squeezing in a few minutes to post on my blog because sadly, that’s one of the last things I find time to do. However, all of it (in my opinion) is of much higher value than an hour or two of sleep mid-day. And it’s moments like these where I have found time to get SO much done that when Aidan does finally stir and call out for me, I am ready to see his smile and watch him try to crawl. Nothing is weighing on my mind while we play with his toys and all of me is in the moment with my son.
Eight Days of Poop-mas
Dec 21st, 2011 Posted in Aidan | no comment »On the eighth day of poop-mas, my true love gave to me…
Eight maids a-pooping
Seven swans a-pooping
Six geese a-pooping
Five golden poops!
Four calling poops
Three french poops
Two turtle poops
And a patridge in a poop tree
Thanksgiving With Aidan
Nov 27th, 2011 Posted in Aidan | no comment »This Thanksgiving holiday was a great way to spend some extra time with the A-man. Although he has been teething and isn’t in a great mood 100% of the time, having a four-day-weekend was wonderful for me and Ryan so that we could enjoy our son. Even if he is a little crabby, I feel like these past few days have helped us grow as parents. We are working as a team more than ever and I am constantly relieved of my mothering duties by Ryan so that he and Aidan can have father-son time while I get a few hours to myself.
As much as I have enjoyed spending a long weekend at home with my husband, son and dog–I find myself excited to return to work on Monday. It is clearer and clearer to me that having a career is very important to me. I do not think about all the things I am missing while being at work. Instead, I look forward to the time I do get to spend with everyone when I am not at work.
Turkey day was fabulous because we got to dress up and go to the Country Club with Ryan’s parents, his grandmother and a couple family friends of ours. Everyone chipped in and took turns holding the drooling-goobing boy so that Ryan and I could get food from the buffet and I was able to enjoy a couple glasses of wine.
Here is our family photo from Thanksgiving 2011:
In between playing with Aidan and making sure he gets two good naps throughout the day, I was able to put up my Christmas tree. Last year, I felt so icky from the morning-sickness that I lacked the energy to even think about decorating our house for the holidays. I remember Ryan’s mom telling me that that would be the last year I could ever skip Christmas—by way of decorating the tree & house—because when a baby is around, you will always want to do it. And she was right. It wasn’t even a chore to drag out the box with the fake-already-lit-tree. I have gotten so many ornaments as gifts and hand-me-down’s in the past that this year I was able to be very picky for what I wanted to hang on the tree. I decided to hang lots of snowflakes and only a few ornaments, mostly the new ones that Aidan got. My favorite is Alvin the chimpmunk because he is wearing a red sweater with a big yellow “A” on the front, which was the latest gift from Grammy Di. I also put out a couple noise-makers so that he would have fun listening to Christmas songs; one is a guitar that plays Elvis Presley’s “Blue Christmas” and the other is a dog dressed up like Elvis that sings and dances to a couple different Christmas songs. The tree is on an end table right next to Aidan’s pack n’ play so he can enjoy the pretty lights while getting his diaper changed.
The best part about decorating the Christmas tree while Aidan napped was bringing him downstairs from his room to show him the tree for the first time. I held him up close to the twinkling lights and snowflakes and ornaments so that he could take it all in. And that’s just what he did–he stared with his mouth wide open. After a few minutes of just looking, he lifted his hand to caress the branches. He likes to feel more than he likes to grab so I began to sway him back and forth so that he could get really close to it, all the while his arm stretched out and his fingers lightly touching the branches. Then he pulled a snowflake off and smiled! It melted my heart. I told Ryan that next year, Aidan will be scooting his butt down the stairs with his dog close behind him so that he can go see the tree. It’s going to get better and better every year, I can’t wait!
Nov 4th, 2011 Posted in Aidan | no comment »I’m sure you all care so much about Aidan’s bowel movements, but like I said before when I blogged about my boobs–it’s my blog! I get to talk about whatever I want!
The A-man has been having problems pooping more frequently than once every week. And I tell ya what, seven days is a LOOOOOONG time to go in between poops. And when he finally did poop, it was clear that it was incredibly painful for him.
I thought it was normal because I googled it (as I google every baby question) and everyone online said it was normal for a baby to go seven days without pooping. Ryan was adamant that it was not a good thing, but what does Ryan know!?
At Aidan’s 4 month check up, the pediatrician told us that it was NOT GOOD AT ALL! He said that Aidan can not go more than five days without a poop, otherwise we need to use a glycerin suppository. What!?!? Honestly, I do not want to stick anything up my son’s butt–however, if that’s what I have to do to get him to poop comfortably, I’ll do it in a heart beat! After the suppository, if there is still no sign of poop after two days, then we have to call the doctor. I had no idea it was so serious! Damn you google! Now I have to use a suppository AND tell Ryan he was right. Yuck to both!
As a remedy for the poop problem, we started Aidan on baby oatmeal and pureed pears and apples as well as water and watered-down prune-apple juice every day. I am happy to say that all of it has worked. He has only gone five days between poops and this past week he pooped two days in a row. I can only hope that more of this oatmeal and fruit will help him become more “regular.”
It is so funny how the things you find important in your life before you have kids, are now not important at all. Those once important things are now trivial compared to poop.