Archive for the Miscellaneous Category

The Bachelor

Apr 10th, 2008 Posted in Miscellaneous | no comment »

I love this show. I have been watching it since the very first season and have hope that this show does help people find true love after seeing Trista & Ryan tie the knot. Trista was one of two girls at the very end of the first season of the Bachelor; the world thought she would get picked, but she did not. Then she was on her own show, The Bachelorette, and that’s where she met and fell in love with Ryan. ABC even aired their wedding in a a series of 3 episodes and 26 million people tuned in for the special event. Trista & Ryan are the first married couple to be produced from the Bachelor (in this case, The Bachelorette).

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Mud Puppy

Apr 9th, 2008 Posted in Miscellaneous | 2 comments »

This has double meaning. On one hand, it is the name of a lizard/skink type creature that lives in the water. I can not say what else it is or looks like because frankly it is disgusting (by now you should all know how I feel about this kind of stuff). If you want to know more, just Google “mudpuppy” and see what pops up. I seriously grossed myself out by doing so and will never do it again. What I was trying to find was a site for the Mud Puppy mud cleaning machine that well drillers use (see picture here).

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Apr 8th, 2008 Posted in Miscellaneous | one comment »

I am a huge fan of food. I have always loved to eat ever since I was a child. My mom was the best cook and everything she made was so delicious that I happily ate more than I probably should have. Yes, that’s right, I was a fat kid. My sister-in-law will kid me about it today because she has seen the pictures (click here, fourth picture down) and I love to laugh at how chubby I was because I have totally overcome all of those weight problems so it is laughable now. But I remember not thinking it was that funny when I hit freshman year in high school and I strove to eat less seconds & thirds, and do more crunches. Let’s face it, high school is not fun for anyone because they all have at least one horrifying, end-of-the-world, bad experience. And some are so lucky as to have a couple of those moments that help them put those four years into perspective. Now, back to the food…

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Changes In Climate

Apr 1st, 2008 Posted in Miscellaneous | no comment »

My home growing up was in Northwood, NH and it had about 13 acres of land all around it. We had a front yard full of lush, green grass that stretched to the main road and a back yard with a pool that met up with the woods. Summers in New England were always sticky and warm and I would walk everywhere on the soft lawn without shoes while picking blueberries or strawberries from our bushes in the yard. I could venture into the woods and run into the lake, surrounded by lake houses, barking dogs and kids on bikes. I could fall asleep at night on top of the covers with windows wide open in an effort to not overheat in the thick humidity that clogged the nighttime sky.

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A Moment of Zen: Morning Minutes

Mar 27th, 2008 Posted in Miscellaneous | one comment »

Curled in an over sized comforter, I can feel Cali’s warm body pressed against my back. She’s scooted up from the foot of the bed to lean against me in an upside down spoon, her paws stretched out as far as they can go, as if pushing my husband away from our cuddling moment.

During these sleepy times, Cali will stretch, yawn, run her tongue over her teeth and twitch to the beat of a dream where she’s chasing or being chased. She may even readjust her position a couple of times throughout the night: stand up, turn around in a circle to pat down the covers, then let herself fall down, body-slamming against my legs to ensure she is as close as she can get without being on top of me…or maybe not all the way on top, but just enough overlap of her on me to feel that I won’t leave her while she snoozes.

I do not want to move or even breathe when we are so close. I catch the time with a half-opened eye: 5:43. The bells will ring in 2 minutes, so I breathe in deep, close my eyes and bury my face in the feather pillow to stretch those minutes into the longest amount of time as I possibly can, for both our sakes.

In the still of the dark room, soon to be disrupted by the wake-up call, three warm bodies have sunk into the fluffy mattress and every puzzle piece has its own perfect place.


Mar 26th, 2008 Posted in Miscellaneous | no comment »

My Dad and I have a few things in common that we both really love: Elvis, Country music and dogs. Right around my 16th birthday, my Dad and I drove to a breeder’s home to pick out a black lab from a litter of puppies. I remember the day vividly, it was rainy and dreary and I was wearing my favorite T-shirt with a daisy on it. When we walked into the breeder’s home, all we could hear was puppies whimpering and their little paws scampering on the kitchen floor. I sat down amongst the 9 puppies and played with all of them while my Dad talked to the breeders.

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My First Blog

Mar 25th, 2008 Posted in Miscellaneous | 3 comments »

This is my very first entry on my very own blog!

One of my really good friends, Tara, has been blogging on her own page ever since I have known her (When Tara Met Blog) and then my Aunt Lisa started a blog as well (BLOGGing Lisa’s Life). After much urging from my aunt and then seeing another blog from my cousin, Ben, that he created with his wife to keep the family up to date with the building of their new townhome (Cammett Blogspot) I decided to give it a go.

So here I am, blogging to all of you. I plan to use this as a replacement for all those mass-emails I have had to send in the past to my family and friends after a holiday, party, event or just a long weekend when I wanted to keep everyone informed of what I have going on. I hope this will keep us better connected!

Paragliding in Switzerland

Jun 17th, 2006 Posted in Miscellaneous, Pictures | no comment »

I am so glad I actually did this. I love roller coasters and getting the weight-less feeling that comes from riding deep drops and screaming my lungs out. My stomach did summersaults just watching other people landing in the field after paragliding from one of the tall mountains in Switzerland. When I finally got up the nerve to check it out, before I knew it, I was in the van riding up the bumpy road to the jump off point. After getting hooked up to a pilot, he told me to run until the wind picked up the chute. It took half of a step and then we were floating—gliding—slowly falling to the ground. The pilot actually let me take the reins and guide us through the air. We even did a few twists and turns upside down. I can still feel it in my stomach when looking at the pictures.