Archive for the Poetry Category


Sep 16th, 2005 Posted in Poetry | no comment »

Soaking in sensual wisps of steam 
Twisting from apple cinnamon 
Melting strings of honey 
With every rise of intense spices 
Satisfying the fingertips 
Fulfilling each embrace 
Lifting trace with heavy haze 
Senses shudder in a rosemary maze 

Pulling forth to rise above 
Sweeter endurance in one last taste 
Tresses of confusion subside 
Curling no more above the balmy chalice 
Sinking lower in soothing thyme 
Stealing beyond pursed lips 
Cooling further yet melting skin 
Cleansing the essence of being within

Beautiful Life

Sep 16th, 2005 Posted in Poetry | no comment »

Life is what you believe, 
Not what you hope it to be. 
In the end, it’s just a bunch of memories- 
Your thoughts and your dreams. 
Bring forth your hidden wishes 
The time is now to seize your dream. 
Announce your loneliness in life 
And rip it at the seams. 
Tear apart your world 
Be picky with each part– 
Let friendship melt your pains, 
Let kisses mend your heart. 
There is beauty in butterflies 
And a baby’s smile. 
Elegance in hope 
That’s been around for a while. 
Simplicity in wishes 
Whispers and whipped cream. 
Beauty in love, 
Life and dreams.

Ode to Zo

Sep 16th, 2005 Posted in Poetry | no comment »

Scars hidden beneath the slick shag carpeting 
That sways when she runs 
Like midnight prairie grasses waving in the wind. 
Two front feet with scuffed white toes 
Complement the frayed silk stripe trickling 
From chin to tummy. 
Too cunning to smile and mean well, 
Her evil eye makes most unsteady. 
She’ll invite herself to your seat, 
And you can stay there if you like but 
She will win every fight for her spot. 
She’ll initiate a stare-down, 
Intently looking for your blink, 
But her Velociraptor eyes will break your concentration: 
She’s reading your mind, 
She knows what you’re thinking.
Her charming chocolate windows 
Are bullet-proof to your every effort… 
Her eyes will never open up to let you in to hear her secrets, 
Her stories from the street.

I Am

Sep 16th, 2005 Posted in Poetry | no comment »

I am a wandering demipuppet 
I wonder what I hear 
I hear a pounding sea 
I see what I wish to 
I want to get out of here, because 
I am a wandering demipuppet 

I pretend that I believe 
I believe in what I touch 
I touch, for I need to feel 
I feel why I worry 
I worry that it will make me cry 
I cry when I worry, because 
I am a wandering demipuppet 

I understand what they say 
I say not what I mean 
I dream of what I hope for 
I hope for all my dreams, because 
I am a wandering demipuppet


Sep 16th, 2005 Posted in Poetry | no comment »

Searching for 
Your special star? 
Your imprint in sand, 
Will take you far. 

I would rather write 
My passion is 
A daily delight 
Floating by 
Clouds do pass 
Write do I 
Of the pen 
Keys of bet 
Clammy when … 
Bold and full of juicy speech 
Let me live let me preach 
Holy sermons in each letter 
Panting pens 
Are drooling wetter 
Leaking to the tips of nails 
I do not know what will prevail 
Questions of the cartridge size 
Does not matter let it fly 
No mistakes 
Erasers are band 
Please release 
Whiteout in hand 
Nothing will be 
In your future 
If fancy do 
Your Band-Aids suture 
I lose not faith 
In my walk of works 
Of what my hand my write 
And how my mind may turk. 

Searching for 
Your special star? 
Your imprint in sand, 
Will take you far.

A Flower

Sep 16th, 2005 Posted in Poetry | no comment »

A Flower 
I do not fancy being a flower, 
Living for the hour 
When the sunlight meets my face. 
Reaching even higher, 
Under telephone wires 
Where I slowly end my race. 
Nuzzled in cold weather, 
Swaying like a feather– 
Plucked from this good earth. 
In Lovers’ eyes, it’s sharing 
Some unfortunate flower, tearing 
My pedals without worth. 
Cunningly I decay, 
Slowly breaking away 
Dwindling to the pitch below; 
Scattered everywhere, 
So quickly, I couldn’t care 
That I lived not long ago.

Little Things

Sep 16th, 2005 Posted in Poetry | no comment »

Its the little things 
I find myself losing sleep over… 
Riding out final hours of lonely nights, 
Needing sleep, wanting dreams 
Pushed to the edge by someone so unlikely. 
I almost like it when sunlight falls from the sky 
So I can wish on an empty star- 
Torn from the night 
Tumbling from Heaven 
I gather up an angel’s might 
To reach for the sky, land among the stars 
Pulling for my dreams, its not how it seems 
I just wanted more. 
And in the little things 
There’s something about a smile 
Sweetly haunting curves-deliciously slow lips 
Everything you’ve seen before 
Becomes incomparable 
So you dream a little more 
About the little things.

Empty Stars

Sep 16th, 2005 Posted in Poetry | no comment »

Lonesome tonight in absence of that smile– 
Please, miss me tonight, I’m longing for you. 
Sorry for dazing into endless miles– 
Straying memories will never hold true. 
Believed you to be the best to let fly– 
Just leave me here to hang by this moment. 
An unlikely chance to see you sail nigh– 
The more hopes I dreamed, the further you went 
From me. From me–what was it you wanted? 
Sweetly conveyed good-bye in a letter, 
Invading my person left me haunted– 
Push me aside to make you feel better. 
Empty hopes fall, shooting stars from my heart. 
I can last the storm, though I’m torn apart.

Raining Tears

Sep 16th, 2005 Posted in Poetry | no comment »

Slowly curving through me 
Crying autumn leaves 
Tearing from a bleeding tree 
Slicing through the heavy air 
Trudging far, losing way 
Lessening to the grassy ground 
Gently settling down 
Nearby a muddy path sprinkled with tepid puddles 
Silent dirty mirrors imitating Heaven 
Angry clouds concealing the blue 
Promptly dropping salty beads 
Serene mirrors severed by splitting tears 
Slowly curving through me

Into Me

Sep 16th, 2005 Posted in Poetry | no comment »

Nightmares grow 
The more I hear you scream. 
On morning’s star, aspirations flow 
For Robin Hood in my dreams; 
Curve on my pillow; 
Thoughts of you multiplying like rabbits. 
It’s all pushing into me 
On forgotten memories 
But I refuse to leave. 
My disregard keeps you coming… 
Bleeding into me. 

Bare your perfect world 
But don’t bear down on mine. 
In all you may bestow 
I’ll seize in due time. 

Tempting hearts coerce the soul. 
Seamless feelings get out of control. 

Pull me closer when I pull away. 
Look into my eyes make me stay 
…by sinking into me.

Auburn Ocean

Sep 16th, 2005 Posted in Poetry | no comment »

Insignificant waves of dusty froth 
Milking past the murky sea 
Tiny bubbles encircle its beholder 
Sister towers of mist stretch toward Heaven 
Closing in on clouds and stars above 
In chocolate skies-a whispered dream flies 
Tantalizing tastes of want 
Escaping from the sea of mind 
Reaching for a falling fate 
Soft winds taunting its rising steam 
Slowly colliding where time fades 
In night, time has no pride 
In stealing what you wish to hide 
With each passing of celestial haze 
Timid confidence piles as mountains 
Which weaken with dropping dreams 
Thoughts invade with haste. . . 
The very life that creates night- 
Generates the waning fear 
Of fading stars that disappear

A Boat

Sep 16th, 2005 Posted in Poetry | no comment »

that seats one thousand of your closest friends 
Is drifting with ocean miles in each direction. 
The captain will steer her wherever the sun begins, 
While I soak in the taste of 15 proof protection. 

Folded strings of hair released from under baseball caps 
Bend at their roots to feast their tips on sultry skies. 
Hawaiian flowers threaded on bikini wraps 
Fade in the sun while thighs bathe in chlorine tides. 

Floating in a half empty Bloody Mary, 
I press my parched lips around the damp celery green. 
Alcohol and humid rays can be scary 
When you think you are the vodka tomato queen.